About emzygo

Welcome to emzygo.com! Embryology composes approximately 15% of numerous medical board exams. With a lack of high-yield video content available, emzygo LLC was formed to provide a cost-effective option to help students learn embryology in an efficient manner.
The founder of the program and company is Bryce Baird who is a chief urology resident with a special interest in education and embryology. As a medical student, he scored 99th percentile overall on USMLE Step 1 and on the embryology and anatomy portions of the exam. Additionally, he has designed embryology curriculum for his residency and scored highly on embryology portions of urology exams.
With his background, he will provide a high-yield, 15-chapter learning source for undergraduate and graduate students studying embryology.
Essential Embryology
emzygo LLC consists of 15 chapters of high-yield embryology videos that will help guide students through their classes and preparation for board exams
Learners will have access to high-yield embryology videos as well as access to forums.
Additionally, learners will have the option to participate in individualized learning and study planning sessions.
Levels of Education
Medical Students
Dental Students
Nursing Students
Physician Assistant/Associate Students
College Students
Pre-Medical Students
Those interested in Embryology
Video chapters cover introductory human development, high-yield organ system development and teratogens.
I have included a brief sample video covering part of gastrointestinal development below to give learners an idea of the content that comes with an emzygo learning plan.